This page is a précis of my thinking about vital subjects within society and psychoanalysis.
FPC Psychoanalytic Forum Talk – Saturday 11th February 2023
The 2023 Spring Term Psychoanalytic Forum Talk, to be held on 11 February 2023, is entitled Peepo! When a Child’s Game Turns Malignant presented by Smita Rajput Kamble. Smita is a member of FPC, first qualifying in 2002 and qualified as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in 2013. She is a practising psychoanalytic psychotherapist and clinical supervisor working with adults, has taught counselling and psychotherapy and has supervised counsellors and trainees in psychodynamic centres in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and London. Smita conducts CPD activities within the psychotherapeutic community.
A visit to an art gallery while recovering from a bereavement, an encounter with the melancholic Surrealist artist Magritte, and the impact of this experience on clinical work with a woman widowed through suicide. In this talk, Smita Rajput Kamble explores the self-punishing cyclical behaviour of the suicidal Other and how this is directed towards those left behind, with reference to Freud’s work on Melancholia.
Attendance is free of charge and is open to all FPCmembers. To book a place please email admin@thefpc.org.uk
Anxiety Conference (October 8, 2022): Brighton Therapy Partnership
Online :Hover over the underlined topic to see link
Anxiety: Attachment, Neuroscience and The Body
Klein Study Group (September 2022) : BCAT
Online : https://www.bcat-team.org.uk/training
Melanie Klein (1882 – 1960) like Sigmund Freud, was an original thinker. She was not medically trained and this probably contributed to her vivid and emotional writing style which many of us, when we studied for our qualifications, have found difficult or exaggerated. Her style is evocative of the turmoil of the internal world of children and adults.
This study group aims to understand her work by reading her original papers and exploring her pioneering theories on:
- Internal object relations, anxiety and guilt
- Theory of projective identification
- Her play technique which brings clinical understanding to the mental world of children and adults.
The study group will run over four Monday evenings in September from 7pm-8.30pm over zoom.
Papers to be sent out in advance:
WEEK 1: 5th September – Note on Some Schizoid Mechanisms (1946)
WEEK 2: 12th September – On The Theory of Anxiety and Guilt (1948)
WEEK 3: 19th September – The Psychoanalytic Play Technique: It’s History and Significance (1955)
WEEK 4: 26th September – On the Developement of Mental Functioning (1958)
The cost will be £25 per session or a discounted £90 for all four sessions. Each session will count as 1.5hours certificated CPD or 6 hours CPD for all four.
Book now and receive the papers in advance to allow time to read.
You can pay by direct bank transfer to Coop Bank, Account Name: Bedford Counselling Centre, Sort Code 089299, Account No. 65682890, putting FREUD SD, as a reference.
Past events:
Working with Depressive Anxiety (May 14, 2022): BCAT
Classroom – 9.30am-12 pm
Cost: £35
Depressive anxiety can hold people in its grip for long periods, sometimes a lifetime. It can reduce liveliness and enjoyment of life and create a continuous oscillation between guilt and destructive tendencies, sometimes spiralling into extreme cases such as violence and suicide.
Smita Rajput Kamble is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist who will provide an overview of psychodynamic theory and demonstrate how some patients can be helped to take steps into ‘working’ with depressive anxiety.
Freud Study Group (September 2021): BCAT
Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis that formed the basis for all subsequent talking therapies up to the present day. His writing is original, and his ideas helped to shape the modern world to such an extent that we now take such concepts as the unconscious for granted as it has become adopted by western culture in art, movies and advertising. Yet many of us, even as trained therapists, haven’t really read Freud’s own writing. This study group will provide a space to explore four important papers which still have plenty to say about current issues and concerns.
The papers will be sent out in advance and each week in September we will be talking about a paper, introduced and facilitated by Smita Kamble who is a BPC registered psychoanalytic psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer.
Attending the study group you can expect:
- To feel more anchored within the psychodynamic framework
- To feel Freud is more accessible and to talk about his ideas in simple language
- To interest anyone who wants to understand Freud and his impact on the history of ideas and human psychopathology
The group will be on zoom on Monday evenings at 7pm in September for 90 minutes a session. You can join for all four sessions or choose individual sessions.
WEEK 1: 6th September – The Interpretation of Dreams
WEEK 2: 13th September – Beyond the Pleasure Principle
WEEK 3: 20th September – Narcissism
WEEK 4: 27th September – Mourning and Melancholia (Depression)
COST:The cost will be £25 per session, or a discounted £90 for all four sessions. Each session will count as 1.5 hours certificated CPD or 6 hours CPD for all four.
Pay by direct bank transfer to Coop Bank, Bedford Counselling Centre,sort code 089299,account number 65682890 putting FREUD SD as a reference.
Book now and receive the papers in advance to allow time to read, they are a mixture of short and long papers.
Anxiety Conference (November 2021): Brighton Therapy Partnerships
Past workshops and events :
March 20, 2021. How nice to have a full house and wonderful audience.
Venue: BCAT, Bedford. Online via zoom.
Great experience!
Anxiety and Fear
September 16, 2017.
Freud Study Group
June 5-July 24, 2017. Time : Monday evenings 6.30 pm-8.00pm.
Venue : WPF Therapy, 23 Magdalen Street, SE1 2EN
Love in Psychotherapy
February 11, 2017. London.
Jung and Shiva: Phallic and Feminine
February 18, 2017. London.
Empowering the Feminine : The Phallic Woman
November 5, 2016. London.
Jung and Shiva: Encounters with a Subterranean God?
30th January, 2016, WPF Therapy. London.
Connecting Conversations: In Conversation with poet Daljit Nagra.
7 June 2014, London.
Nagra writes poetry which portrays the underlying conflict of an immigrant Punjabi family in Britain.
Film and the Psycho-Cultural : Objects, Relatedness, Process.
31 May 2014. Freud Museum, London.
The film, ‘My Name is Khan (but I am not a terrorist)’ portrayed the struggle of a Muslim man suffering with partial autism who challenged the mass autistic social feelings against Muslims after 9/11.
‘Psychoanalysis and the Moving Image’ Conference
17 January, 2014. Birkbeck University, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, London.
‘Shyam Benegal : Transformational Object’. Benegal, Indian film director, portrayed strong willed women pitted against a male-centric society.
Therapeutic Alliance : A Psychodynamic Approach
23 June, 2013. Milton Keynes.