COVID Reflections  


Gender Fluidity?

This workshop brings together opposite ways of thinking-Shiva’s form and Jung’s inclusiveness and curiosity about the world. C.G.Jung, a famous psychologist from the West was one of a very few handful of thinkers who took interest in the Eastern part of the world and how this world managed the psyche. He visited India and discovered… Continue reading Gender Fluidity?


Psychotherapy and Love

‘…But when did love not try to change……The world back to itself..‘ -Philip Larkin This workshop explores the unique attitude towards love which is offered in psychodynamic/analytic psychotherapy. This attitude is intimate and reaches the core of the human personality. It is the bedrock of human relationships and the therapeutic professions,  the ‘building block ‘ that… Continue reading Psychotherapy and Love


Building a Therapeutic Alliance

This workshop demonstrates how one can use conscious and unconscious material and early templates to formulate an assessment – the “road map” for therapeutic work. When first we faced, and touching showed How well we knew the early moves, Behind the moonlight and the frost, The excitement and the gratitude, There stood how much our meeting… Continue reading Building a Therapeutic Alliance


Empowered Feminine

Mythology presents visual depictions of what empowers human beings and this workshop explores the empowerment of the feminine in Indian mythology and compares it to the innate power of the therapeutic relationship and its links to the feminine. What do we really do as practitioners at an unconscious/subconscious level? Do you think that the mainly… Continue reading Empowered Feminine


How to Wash a Heart-Review of Bhanu Kapil’s Work-New Associations, BPC journal, 2021

Bhanu Kapil’s iconic poetry articulates the unbearable, the difficult-to-say story of what some might consider ‘ungratefulness’- the immigrant who finds himself/herself in someone else’s country/home. How to Wash a Heart, her most recent poetry received the T.S. Eliot prize this year. This is a review of her work, published in the BPC journal New Associations,… Continue reading How to Wash a Heart-Review of Bhanu Kapil’s Work-New Associations, BPC journal, 2021


Freud Study Group – September 2021 Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis that formed the basis for all subsequent talking therapies up to the present day. His writing is original, and his ideas helped to shape the modern world to such an extent that we now take such concepts as the unconscious for granted as it has become adopted… Continue reading Freud Study Group – September 2021

Getting It Right-New Associations, BPC journal, March 2014

Getting it ‘right’ –afterthoughts on completing a psychoanalytic training With a comparison between Indian classical music training and a psychoanalytic one   This article appeared in ‘New Associations’, a BPC (British Psychoanalytic Council) journal in its 2014 summer edition. “During my psychodynamic training at Rewley House, Oxford, a visiting lecturer exclaimed in the middle of her… Continue reading Getting It Right-New Associations, BPC journal, March 2014

Psychoanalytic Therapy Evidence?

Psychoanalytic based treatments are evidence-based forms of therapy which can effectively treat emotional problems and a wide range of mental health conditions such as depression, eating disorders and anxiety. Psychoanalysis started with the discoveries of Sigmund Freud a century ago, but its methods have changed and developed a great deal since then. It has the… Continue reading Psychoanalytic Therapy Evidence?